No we do not charge for any service, you can use this site for free.
We do not provide a protectition for buying and selling. We advice you to take the necessary precautions and follow safe practices, such as using secure payment methods, verifying the identity of the person you're dealing with, and carefully examining the product or service being offered before making a purchase. Also there is a page dedicated to it Safety tips
When someone responds to your listing, you will receive an email notification.
Sometimes, emails can end up in the spam folder, which can make it difficult for you to see the responses to your listing.
This is how can you prevent our email from going to spam if you are using gmail
For Gmail
Additionally, you can regularly check your spam folder for any missed notifications.
You can also share more of your details such as your phone, facebook, instagram, twitter, website where other people can find you.
Visit your listings page and there is two options. One is to mark your ad as sold, or you can delete the ad by clicking the trash can button.
Visit your listings page and there is button which will take to page where you can edit your listing.
If you have any questions or concerns about placing an ad, please don't hesitate to reach out to us. You can visit our contact page and get in touch with us. Our team will be happy to assist you and provide the information you need to place your ad with confidence.