Gin Boom 12 M, new check, 2600 JDC!, under 50 hours, some small patches at stabilo and a small repair near the comp numbers (was a little tear from removing old comp number, no accident or anything)...,
Condition: Very Good
Enzo 3 XS Year 2020 Less than 90h Flown Only in Comps Special color Red/Red Has been trimmed and Check by HighAdventure and resting as I move to another Size Enzo.
Condition: Very Good
I bought it end of last year. I flew it at 102 kg during 4 hours and I' m clearly overloaded. It surprised me because I'm flying a X-One 24 at 109 kg, also 3 kg under the maximal weight, and it's perf..,
Condition: Excellent
WINGS: Popera xs golden 3600€ Popera M golden 3600€ Popera L lime 3600€ Tango L red new 2800€ Tango S red new 2800€ Tango L blue 60h 1600€ Tango M blue 10h 2450€ Tango S blue 3h 2600€ Phi s..,
Condition: Never Used
Hello dear pilots, I'm selling my Ozone Enzo 3 M, recently bought but never really used due to another opportunity. I only flew it once to check that everything was fine. It flies straight and i..,
Condition: Excellent
Up Guru size M, 95-115kg 100 Hours, very good condition. Porosity over 600+ sec. No damage, no siv, no sand, no water. I used this glider to prepare myself to fly gliders with high aspect ratio. T..,
Condition: Very Good
I am selling Icepeak X-one size 25 (108-120) from April 2024 with 78 hours in perfect condition. More info Or WhatsApp +34671333346
Condition: Excellent
I am selling Icepeak X-one size 25 (108-120) from January 2024 with 96 hours in perfect condition. More info , WhatsApp +34696708078 or Instagram @ manuel_nietom NIVIUK RACIN..,
Condition: Excellent
Looking for a used ~95kg top CCC glider like X-One, Evox or Enzo. Thanks!
UP Guru size Medium 100-115kgs. Green and blue (standard colours) 210 hours, NEW LINE SET fitted 8 hours ago. Material is in excellent condition for 200 hours. No repairs Number 319 in centre of..,
Condition: Very Good
Gin Boomerang 12 CCC- ML Size(105Kg-117Kg) 2023 Model- Color Turquoise - Excellent Condition Less than 100 hours of flight time. Stored stretched out. Trim verified in 2024.(almost no figlhts since..,
Condition: Very Good
Enzo 3 M size 95 - 115 kg, 5-2022, 240 flying hours, Colors: white/blue ( custom colors ). Very good condition, no damages, flying only on comps, first line set
Condition: Very Good
Thank you for pilots, who had taken gears from me!! Happy new year! I have brand new Boomerang12 in ML left now. My offer is always special, however, this last one would be much much more special..,
Condition: Never Used
FOR SALE: Niviuk X-One 24, 2-2022, 98-112 kg, Price: 1800 EUR, Shipping: Plus shipping CCC/Open/Other, Condition: Excellent - 120 hours, Colors: Blue Yellow White, Location: Lljubljana - Slovenia [ S..,
Condition: Excellent
Gin Boomerang 11 M, 2019, blue. The sail has 178 hours and the new lines 47 hours airtime. Only flown in grassy fiels, no ground handling, no SIV, no dust, no sand, no spirals ou wing overs. Alw..,
Condition: Very Good
Ozone Enzo 3, size S, buoght in Jan 2024 85 hours, no damages, no SIV, perfect condition. Lines have been just checked and trimmed in a specialized center, related report is available. Please contac..,
Condition: Excellent
Reason: End of season, changing every year. Ozone Enzo 3 (S, 90-105 kg) With Unused Ozone Accessories; Wing Bag, Folding Pillow, Spare Line, Spare Cloth & Ozone Keychain Production date: Jan - 202..,
Condition: Excellent
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