Hélice de carbono usada pero en buen estado, con funda cubre pala. Tamaño 115 cm .Apta para un motor de 100-125cc tipo Ross 100-125 Used carbón propeller but in good condition, with blade cover. Size..,
Condition: Good
Propeller E - Props There are a few minor defects, but the overall condition is good. Length - 125 cm For the Polini Thor 200 engine Price - 190 eur
Condition: Very Good
Helix H30F 1.30 m R-GMM-10-2/ A5 Used, has a small defect, but overall in very good condition. For Polini Thor 303 engine More information: https://shop.helix-propeller.de/fliegen-mit/h30f-125..,
Condition: Very Good
FLY THE BEST 130 x 62 L Link new Superb construction, Without vibrations.
Condition: Excellent
HELIX 130 _ Polini Thor 202 Used, with small signs of use. It works perfectly.
Condition: Good
E-Props 130 propellers for Moster. It was my spare propeller. Used once, like new.
Condition: Excellent