Can you be self taught?


I have a question, has any one learned with out an instructor? I mean obviously the first guy or lady that paraglided obviously did but may have been parachuting before that. I've never done any of it. I want to though and am considering buying one and see if I can just take off and fly.

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64x64 James Cox 22d • Edited

'Yes' you can learn by yourself

No you should not

Aside from the obvious risk of death being really easy to achieve, you will actually progress so so so much faster with an instructor, that the money spent on instruction will be money saved on gear that you will damage/dental work you need done/time spent being totally shit

Spend the $1-3k on an instructor and you'll learn 20x faster than someone who spends $0 on instruction, $2k on broken gear, $4k in dental bills, and 30 days getting dragged around on the ground, untangling lines, and cursing yourself for ever trying to fly

64x64 Dorin Sandu 22d • Edited

I am currently a newbie into this. I have less than a year of experience but I never thought of trying by myself. Do this the proper way and start with the course. They will teach you everything you need to be safe and enjoy it. If you try by yourself and s**t happens , your mind will think of this as a bad thing , and the sport will get a new black dot for being "dangerous". I am open to tell you how the school goes if you want , just reach me if you would need details. Good luck!

Get an instructor unless you have a death wish.

@Shaker Kadhum I don't understand this response

I started in 2015, and while it's possible to learn on your own, it's easy to develop bad habits. I began with YouTube tutorials and books, then after two years and around 200 flights, I took a basic training course—it was eye-opening. A few years later, I continued learning and eventually earned my confirmed pilot and tandem pilot licenses. The learning never stops.

For beginners, the most important thing is to practice a lot of ground handling and do small flights on a school hill. You can do this on your own with a secondhand A-wing.

Once you're more experienced:
- Never stop learning.
- Analyze each flight.
- Practice regularly and a lot.
- Always have a plan B.
- Prioritize safety in every decision.

Enjoy and have a lot of nice flights!

Yes .I think was the first paraglider or parachutes