1. Wing - Sky Country Discovery 4 (2015-08), 140 hours
2. Harness - Woody Valley Haska
3. Emergency parachute - Sky Country
4. Cockpit - Woody Valley
5. Radio bag - Ozone
6. Speed bar - Ozone
7. Footrest - Woody Valley
8. Winch system
Last inspection 2024-03, protocol attached together with manuals.
3 x SIV's, during the second one got into a serious twist, but managed to get out, the result - burned several lower lines. To keep the wing in top condition, all lower lines were replaced to new ones. There is sealed little hole on the lower layer of the wing (see photos), approx 0,5cm2. Wing used only on soft surfaces, such as grass. Didn't have contact with sand or sea water. Set is perfect as first wing after school, absolutely suitable for XC flights or having some local fun around the airfield.
Posted by Neil Altice 3 settimane fa
Posted by Shaker Kadhum 1 anno fa
Posted by Andrew Baird 1 anno fa
Posted by Alexander Schmidt 1 anno fa
Posted by Edan Perez 1 anno fa