Looking to sell or trade my wing for a lower weight range.
I bought this wing last year, when I was in New Zealand. Unfortunately, I’ve since become too light for the weight category.
I am the second owner of the wing. First owner flew it 20 hours, but he got too heavy for it, and I bought it off him. I have added 5 hours to it half a year ago same time as the porosity test. It has since been packed away for storage. Stored in proper conditions. Dry and out of sun, not tightly bundled. It has always been care for with love. No repairs, patches, hole or other damage.
It has not done any SIVs, Water landings or stalls. I’ve landed on the beach with it a couple of times, but it is by no
Means sandy.
You can read all about the wing under Tenor 1 Phi’s homepage.
See picture for specifications.
Can be shipped at buyers expense.
For trading, I’m looking for something small. I’m 65 kgs. Ideally for soaring / Hike n’ fly.
I’m in New Zealand, Raglan, from early November to mid December.
Can video call, send pictures, videos etc. prior to a deal.
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