Witam. Mam do sprzedania paralotnię firmy Advance Iota, rozmiar 28. Iota to górne B. Skrzydło z roku 2016. Mam je od 3 lat. Mało na nim latałem. Przegląd pełny wykonany 1.02.2024 z wynikiem dobrym. Skrzydło bardzo ładnie chodzi za ręką, lekko zakręca. Łatwo wchodzi w komin, bez wskakiwania w niego. Start jest prosty, wstaje bez problemu. Sprzedaję ponieważ latam na innym skrzydle, a to sobie leży. Tel. do kontaktu: 665015265.
Hello. I have an Advance Iota paraglider for sale, size 28. Iota is the upper B. Wing from the year 2016. I've had them for 3 years. I didn't fly much on it. Full inspection performed on 1.02.2024 with a good result. The wing walks very nicely with the hand, turns slightly. It easily enters the chimney without jumping into it. The start is simple, it gets up without any problems. I'm selling because I fly on a different wing, and it's lying around. Contact phone: 665015265.
The last inspection of the wing came out very well, of course with approval for flights. The links have been trimmed, some links have been replaced. I can send you photos of the paraglider review.
Posted by Neil Altice 2 settimane fa
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